iGniTe Tentative Course List 2021

Here is our tentative list for iGniTe Courses for 2021!

Last updated April 16, 2021

Subject Course # Title
APPH 1040 Sci Foundation of Health
APPH 1060 Flourish Str Well & Res
ARBC 2301 Arts Sci Tech Thru Hist
ARCH 2111 History of Arch I
ARCH 4151 History of Urban Form
BIOS 2600 Genetics
CHEM 1310 General Chemistry
COE 2001 Statics
CS 1301 Intro to Computing
CS 1315 Intro Media Computation
CS 3750 User Interface Design
ECON 2100 Economics and Policy
ECON 2101 The Global Economy
ECON 2105 Prin of Macroeconomics
ECON 2106 Prin of Microeconomics
ENGL 1101 English Composition I
ENGL 1102 English Composition II
GT 1000 GT Freshman Seminar
HIST 2112 United States since 1877
HTS 2080 Intro Hist Disease & Med
HTS 3068 Social Movements
ISYE 3770 Statistics& Applications
KOR 3410 Korean Culture Old & New
MATH 1550 Intro to Diff Calculus
MATH 1553 Intro to Linear Algebra
MSE 2001 Prin&Appl-Engr Materials
MUSI 3450 Survey-Music Technology
NEUR 4803 Intro to Neuroscience
PSYC 1101 General Psychology
SOC 1101 Intro to Sociology
SPAN 2002 Intermediate Spanish II
SPAN 3111 Composition I